Sunday, May 14, 2006

Portland SBGi Gym Social/ Guerilla cup was a blast!

This last Saturday the Portland SBGi held it's Monthly Gym social combined with a Portland Gym Gorilla Cup. Portland Teams competed against each other in the spirit of fun, both gi and no gi.

As usual for Portland the overall vibe in the room was fantastic. With everyone having a good time, and enjoying the atmosphere. Big congrats to the 'A Team' for taking first place. With Team Nutria, Team Chimera, and Team Toxic Monkey all making good showings as well.

I would also like to say a special thanks to Travis. His motivation and help with this event was superb. And also Jonathan, for being patient as I kept asking him if he knew what he was doing with the brackets. I am glad he did because its very confusing. All in all it was a great day.

You can find a list of the division winners at our free Portland Gym bulletin board located here.