Back from Canada & Singapore

It's been a busy Month. I had a great time in Trenton Canada working with Jay and his crew. It was also great to see Mike, Rebecca, Rich, Paul and the rest of the Canadian crew.

It was good to see everyone.

I left the next day for a trip to our Singapore Gym. As always, the trip was fantastic. Singapore is an amazing place, and Kon is a great host. Also, big thanks to Vince and the KDTA crew for once again showing their support and turning up in large numbers.

I gave the second blue belt so far to the Singapore team, (the first being Kon) to Chris Bagguley. A well deserved promotion that the guys gave him on his last days in the City, as he is moving to Bangkok for work.

Sun, sand, some of the worlds best food, a beautiful sparkling clean city, and typhoon rain, you can't beat Singapore.