New SBGi Instructors in Townsend Mass!

We have just added two new SBGi Instructors to the roster. . .Mike Pearce, and Sandy Lasa. Mike and Sandy have trained hard over the last few Years and truly represent what SBGi is all about. SBGi Coach Steve Whittier was just there this last weekend, April 10th, and announced their promotion as full fledged SBGi Instructors.
As such we have moved the Townsend gym from ATG status to an SBGi Gym and training facility. Dynamic Martial Athletics is a fulltime professional Gym, and they do a great job coaching stand up, MMA, BJJ, and the entire SBGi curriculum. I am very proud to have them represent our Organization.
Dynamic Martial Athletics
Contact: Mike Pearce
18 Main St. Townsend, MA. 01469
Home: (978) 597 - 8000