Back from the UK, off to Sweden!

Just returned back from a great trip to the UK. I took long time Portland SBGi headquarters Coach Rick Davison with me. We taught a packed house in the UK. Much thanks to Karl for doing a lot of work in getting it organized. We had a great time.

From there we went to Scotland for a weekend seminar. And when we returned from Scotland we had a class and gave out some much needed belt promotions. Big congrats to SBGi Estonia's Indrek Reiland, Priit Mihkelson, and Jorgen Matsi on earning their purple belts. Also big congrats to SBG Manchester's Pete Joyce, Kam Atakuru, Glyn Powditch, and Hywel Teague. All of them had great games.

Rick Davison competing against his brother Travis at SBG_PDX's Gorrila Cup.
Manchester SBG's Hywel Teague, who recieved his purple belt this Month from Matt, is also an editor for Fighters Only magazine. It's a great MMA mag that regularly features updates and profiles on SBGi's MMA athletes. You can check out their recent write up of SBGi Manchester here:
And the mag itself here:

The weekend after I returned we hosted our regular Portland Gym Gorilla Cup. I can honestly say that the level of competition was at it's highest point ever, as compared to Years past. Everyone did fantastic, and the attitude and overall vibe was great.
Here are a few pics from the event:

I am headed back overseas to teach in Sweden for the next 12 days. I'll be back home after the 6th of September. Have a great August!

"Whenever the poetry of myth is interpreted as biography, history, or science, it is killed." - Joseph Campbell
Follow your bliss, and trust joy. The rest is the worship of Mammon.