Saturday, December 16, 2006

Two new SBGi Instructors and ICC 2006 grads!

SBGi world headquarters in Portland OR just held it's annual Christmas party and ICC graduation last night. As usual it was a great time with fantastic people.

Regards ICC, it sounds cliche but it is true that this last group, which was the 11th Year we have had the program, set the bar to an all time high in terms of growth in performance, well rounded games, and their ability to teach and help others. I could not be prouder of the entire class.

Jonathan Lee pummeling with Travis Davison at SBGi headquarters.

That fact made the decision regarding who the graduating Instructors would be for this class that much harder. But I am happy to announce that we now have two new SBGi Instructors, Jonathan Lee and James Davis. Both men have been teaching on a regular basis at the PDX Gym throughout 2006, and both have really exceptional and well rounded games, BJJ, MMA, clinch, stand up, and above all else a demonstrated talent at helping others in the Gym.

Good job guys!

James Davis at his MMA debut earlier this Year.

ICC 2007 begins in a few weeks and will be the largest class we have ever had so far. We have even added a daytime ICC class to accommodate more members which I will also be teaching on Wed afternoons. Anyone interested in the program should contact Matt or Bill at the Portland Gym (503)230-7924.