We have two new Canadian SBGi ATG's!
I am very happy to announce that we have two new ATG's in Canada. Both groups have already trained quite a bit with SBGi, and will probably be known to you. Andrew Carr Locke, who attended the Camp in Niagara falls, the seminars at Mike's and who has been working with Mike in Canada. And Jason "the animal" Lancucki, who has been a much welcome regular at SBGi events since I have been visiting Canada.

Man-Alive Martial Arts Gym (MAMA Gym)
Contact: Andrew Carr-Locke
517 Pape Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M4K 3R3
Tel: (416) 859-5425
Email: mamagym@gmail.com
Turning Point Training Methods
Contact: Jason Lancucki
70 Kimbourne Ave.
Toronto, Ontario, M4J 4J4
Tel: (416) 406-6665
Web: www.turningpointtrainingmethods.com
Email: jasontptm@hotmail.com
Man-Alive Martial Arts Gym (MAMA Gym)
Contact: Andrew Carr-Locke
517 Pape Avenue
Toronto, Ontario, M4K 3R3
Tel: (416) 859-5425
Email: mamagym@gmail.com
Turning Point Training Methods
Contact: Jason Lancucki
70 Kimbourne Ave.
Toronto, Ontario, M4J 4J4
Tel: (416) 406-6665
Web: www.turningpointtrainingmethods.com
Email: jasontptm@hotmail.com