SBG Montana, making the point!

April 29th we had 5 athletes compete in MMA. We went 4-5 with 3 1st round RNCs, 1 1st round armbar, 1 1st round TKO from mounted elbow strikes, and the only loss was a 3 round split descision. We have 3 athletes competing June 25th in MMA.
We had 7 SBGers compete at the worlds this June with one Bronze and lots of experience for next year. The Davison Duo handeled coaching and hot tub duties.
Brought a team of 15 from Montana to Subleague championships. Results: 11 gold medals, 2 silvers, and 3 bronze. 2nd place team trophy with only 1/3 the athletes as the 1st place team.
SBGMontana will be taking a team of 18 competitors to Vegas for Grappler's Quest this July 9th including myself.
On the boxing side we had 1 athlete make and compete at USA regionals and another athlete won state golden gloves and competed in Salt Lake cityRegional golden gloves. We were awarded Montana state outstanding senior boxing club runner up.
Best part is we added a lime green monkey wagon to our arsenal! Look out for the monkey wagon at future events.