And if that wasn't enough, you also have OLD SCHOOL SBG members Adam & Rory Singer coming!
Adam is one of America's top MMA coaches, with multiple world champions, including Forrest Griffen! And Rory is himself a UFC veteran and great coach!
In addition to BJJ black belt & UFC fighter Gunnar Nelson,
BJJ black belt & MMA coach John Kavanagh,
BJJ black belt & MMA coach Karl Tanswell,
BJJ black belt John Frankl,
BJJ black belt & MMA coach Adam Singer
and BJJ black belt & UFC vet Rory Singer,
we will also have BJJ black belt & striking coach Steve Whittier, BJJ black belt & multi-gold medalist Travis Davison,
BJJ black belt & SBG headquarters coach Rick Davison,
BJJ & Judo black belt Lily Pagle,
BJJ black belt & SBG headquarters coach Cane Prevost,
BJJ black belt & multi-gold medalist John Diggins,
and BJJ black belt & SBG founder Matt Thornton + MORE!
This is the first time a group like this has EVER been assembled for a single camp.
You will not want to miss this historic event!
In the last newsletter we mentioned that we had just a few spaces left for camp, then we would close it due to space restrictions. We dont want the event becoming so crowded that it is uncomfortable for our members.
That wasn't a ploy, we meant it.
And since we sent out that message the sign ups have continued to grow. As of the writing of this e-mail we have about 8 spots left. Once those are filled up, camp will be closed for registration.
We anticipate that happening within the next 24 hours, before the early-registration fee ends this friday, the 15th.
That makes it simple, if you want to attend this event you MUST register before Friday the 15th, about 48 hours away. After that I am afraid we will be at maximumum capacity.
Register now, here: