Straight blast has always put a heavy emphasis on the people that an SBG environment can gather. You can see it in anyacademy, the values of the head coach will snowball throughout the mat and become a defining factor in the culture.
This is true in the organization itself, and you never get a better chance to observe this then at Camp. A few times a year Matt organizes the biannual SBG Camps. Spring and Fall. These two events began as a reason/method to bring SBGi coaches together to talk about, work in, and evolve the SBGi curricula
The camps this year were a huge success. Rich Beaupit was a wonderful host at this year’s Spring camp in Niagara. Spring camp hosted not only top coaches from the U.S. - it also brought in some the biggest name in the European martial arts scene - Priit Mihkelson and John Kavanagh.
I have been contemplating for the past week what I was going to write for my Camp review. There was so much information, and due to hosting I did miss sections of the instructional time.
So rather than comment on each Coaches individual section taught at Camp, I am going to give a general review regarding the instructional portion, and then a description of what I feel each of the coaches brought to the Camp in terms of their individuality, that when it comes together, helps create “SBGi”.
Sections covered were Dutch Kickboxing, using grips to set up takedowns, what is going to revolutionize open guard - the “grilled chicken”, some very cool yoga for athletes, guard passing strategies, leg lock attacks, two very simple takedowns for all levels to use, and a very informative Q & A....also taught at the Camp was the Level 2 Coaches Course, updates on the Growing Gorillas Children’s Martial Arts and Life skills Program, and the SBGi Business Owners Meeting.
What is remarkable about the SBGi curriculum is the way that everything just naturally fits together. Regardless who was coaching, every section flowed together. It was a progression that was easily learned by every athlete present, from beginner to seasoned veteran, and was able to be applied against a resisting opponent almost immediately.
Now to the Coaches....
Coach Adam and Rory Singer:
two of the funniest and upbeat people in the business...always pumped up and ready to go, even after a good night out...a UFC veteran and a Coach to World Champions, yet both are so approachable by anyone...they always take time to talk to everyone and make each person like they are the most important person in the room when doing so....
Coach Lily Pagle:
one of the coolest ladies around...a wealth of knowledge that she shares so watch her throw people twice her size around while making it look so effortless is the mark of a true martial artist....and she always does it with that smile on her face....
Coach Priit Mihkelson:
the “jits vulcan” changed the way everyone will look at open guard with his “grilled chicken”....his direct approach and “Estonian humour” make for instruction that everyone thoroughly enjoys, can learn at their own pace, and can take home with them ready to explore more....other than Coach Matt, no one has had such an impact on the way I coach my athletes than Coach Priit...
Yoga Coaches Salome Thornton and Kisa Davison:
two of the most intelligent, professional instructors in their field....they exude passion and genuine concern for helping make every single athlete was a privilege to have them run us through the paces at Camp....everyone now has a better understanding of how to help themselves when it comes to their own bodies and how to make themselves feel healthier...
Coach Stephen Whittier:
Coach Steve has the ability to take something that others may think is way above their pay scale, break it down to fundamental stages, and re-introduce it to the student body so that everyone will walk out of the session having been successful in not only learning what was taught, but also being able to actually apply it against a resisting opponent....
Coach Travis Davison:
“steers try...bulls get it done”....we all know this is one of Coach Travis’s tag lines, and the man lives this....tons of things going on for him and Kisa yet he made everyone at Camp feel like THEY were the only ones that counted....he exudes professionalism, and his no bullshit, direct approach to training, coaching, and life in general is a huge motivating force to everyone within the tribe...
Coach John Kavanagh:
A saying I grew up with is “Humility Breeds Leadership...Adversity Builds Character and Strength”....this truly represents “Coach Kav”....while enduring his own personal loss, he still took to the mats and gave a phenomenal session to all....and for having the balls to give the talk to everyone he did at the end of his session, a big THANK YOU from all, for showing us no matter what your place in life, we are all here to help each other anyway we can....
Coach Matt Thornton:
so much I could say, but I want to focus on just one thing that Coach Matt said this weekend that has, and will continue, to affect all in attendance....
"SBG...creating an environment where people can feel safe to be vulnerable"...
One of the most defining statements of the weekend, and a very clear representation of what SBGi truly stands for....Coach Matt has always had the best interest of EVERY member of SBGi at heart....he has led by example with integrity, passion, selflessness, and genuine concern for all....for that we are very, very thankful...
I would like to thank everyone who travelled to attend Camp.....the SBG Toronto Team were out in full force....we had friends from Michigan, Alberta, Massachusetts...A special thanks to Steve Bazzea for flying in from Cape Town, South Africa....that is commitment....
Thanks to all my students at SBG Niagara that attended Camp.....I appreciate the support and I am glad that some of you who may not be able to travel as much as you would like had the opportunity to meet, train, and hang out with my Coaches....
And a big thank you to my family for letting me spend the time I needed to spend on organizing things to have a successful Camp....having you all beside me makes me push forward no matter what is in the way...
And as I have not found anything else that better describes the “vibe” of is the quote from Denzel Washington that I feel fits accordingly....again, I THANK YOU ALL SO VERY MUCH!
“If you ask me, successful means helping others. I look around at people who have accomplished all kinds of great and worthwhile things, and I think, “OK, so what have you done with what you have?”
We all know about the awards you’ve won and riches you’ve received, but at the end of the day it’s not about what you have or even what you’ve accomplished. It’s about what you’ve done with those accomplishments.
It’s about who you’ve lifted up, who you’ve made better. It’s about what you’ve given back.”- Denzel Washington
–Rich Beaupit.

@aliveness_ape: When they are agitated, when they are angry - you remain calm, you adapt, you win.
That's Jiu-Jitsu.